Detailed Analysis - Narration & Context

Database Entries

Making an excellent return are the database entries featured in AC2. After escaping from Abstergo and before entering a new Animus, we were introduced to Shaun Hastings, an Assassin who maintains the knowledge archive for the Assassins. He would go on to create database entries for Desmond whenever he came across any interesting locations or people Ezio saw and met. Whenever we came across a target, Shaun would create a video entry for the Templars, providing us with very impressive illustrative facts. Whenever we found a location that had info tagged by subject 16, Shaun would mark the location for us on the data entry which made finding these locations easy. With Brotherhood this feature was not removed and was even more refined. Shaun would again give his historical insights into notable people and locations of the era. For individuals like Templars, he builds his databases based on information he has poached from the Templars. Something sad that was removed was the video briefings about certain Templar targets. While Shaun did this for the main targets in AC2, for Brotherhood there were not as many targets so it probably made sense not to do as many videos. It was a shame, however, as it was enjoyable to watch and learn more about our Templar targets through an illustrative lens. Nevertheless, the database entries proved to be an effective form of context for the players as they witness Ezio’s journey through the technology of the Animus and I’m fairly confident they will continue to be used and I would be happy with them in their current form as long as they are still informative for us.

Assassin Emails

An interesting addition to the Modern Day story is the inclusion of emails. Using what is known as the Hephaestus network, the Assassins can communicate with each other. While this is a useful tool for Modern Assassins it’s also an odd one as the only Assassins we get in touch with are the people in the same room although it does help to learn more subtle information about the individual Assassins. While this network would be what you anticipate trained killers would use to communicate it’s also fun to see that they don’t use it solely professionally and instead some childish human side that comes with the Assassins. At one point Lucy wondered who took her yogurts from the fridge and she asked everyone at which point Rebecca ratted out Shaun and put him on the next supply run.

While these humorous conversations are a highlight they only provide about a 3rd of the interesting information we find and we get to see these characters show us why they are so likable but also understand more of what’s going on in the world. Lucy, steadfast and on point, makes sure to email the Assassin their work schedule and help them stay focused, always putting the well-being of her team first. Shaun continues to give us updates on other Assassin teams around the world and how they are not doing well with teams avoiding major close calls with the Templars and having potential moles on the team. Rebecca continues to keep the team's spirits high in the team and also on potential threats such as a suspicious van she spies on. Desmond is more passive as he doesn’t send many emails as he is busy spending his time in the Animus.

At one point he is sent his team’s email passwords by an unknown group. but is sent his teammates emails by an unknown group known as Erudito. Not much is known about this group at this stage in the AC lore but if they know the Assassins and Templars and more importantly if they can access their secure comms network, they are a group to keep watch for. Perhaps the most interesting emails to be seen by someone identifying as William. We don’t know much about this person, only that they seem to be Lucy’s superior and someone who places a great deal of trust in her to do what must be done and also to keep her feelings in check. Cold advice but honestly when you’re on a mission to save the world, in a field that is likely to get you killed, it’s best to keep things professional, at least for the time being. Perhaps the most intriguing part is that later Desmond directly receives an email from someone identifying themselves as W.M. who congratulates Desmond on his progress and the importance of their goals. W.M. seems to be the William, Lucy has been conversing with and the M initial could give a suspicion that William’s last name is Miles and so makes this individual a member of Desmond’s family. 

The emails provide additional world-building and context to the world around us and the characters that inhabit it. While the team continues to put on brave fronts for each other in person, it is interesting to know a few more of their doubts and vulnerabilities and how they feel about the conflict in the emails they write. The world-building that is continued through the smaller types of narrative storytelling shows that Ubisoft has taken a great amount of care in making sure that what they add is relevant to the world. Hopefully, the emails continue to be an interesting narrative tool that is continued in the series.


Detailed Analysis - Side Narratives